CBD flowers and legislation

The world of CBD is constantly evolving, and Belgium is no exception. In this article, we’ll explore the regulations surrounding CBD flowers flowers in Belgium in 2023. Get ready to navigate the twists and turns of Belgian legislation!
Let’s go back for a moment into the historical context of the appearance of CBD. It was in 2018 that the very first CBD store appeared in Brussels ( and in Belgium ), after undergoing a strict control by the AFSCA, it emerged that there was what we’ll call here “legal vagueness” around CBD, the law stipulating that a cannabis flower containing less than 0,2% THC was not considered a drug, or at least that’s what we were able to deduce by reading between the lines and interpreting the legal texts (remember that THC or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is the molecule in cannabis flowers and resins that produces psychotropic effects above a certain threshold). There followed a period of indecision and vagueness on the subject, before CBD was officially legalized a few years later, thus entering the “smoking plant” category. Since then, tax stamps have appeared on CBD packets and jars, just like cigarettes, cigars and other smoking products sold in Belgium.
It’s interesting to note that since the official legalization of CBD flowers, resins and related products, many stores have closed their doors. Legislation and taxation have become stricter since CBD was officially legalized, and only serious stores with a loyal clientele have been able to hold out.
At present, there has been some change in the CBD market with the emergence and meteoric rise of CBD e-liquids, for example, but the main points have not evolved:
- The maximum THC content permitted in CBD flowers and other resins is still 0.2%. It should be noted that the maximum THC level authorized is not the same in all countries. It is 0.3% in France and 1% in Switzerland, for example.
- It’s still not allowed to sell CBD flowers and resins online! This is not the case for our French neighbors.
Note that since 2019, the CBD varieties on sale in Belgium have only expanded, and products such as CBD trime (“leftovers” from CBD flower production) have recently appeared.
The obligation for CBD flower producers and distributors to provide a detailed certificate of analysis for each product has also recently been introduced. This certificate must attest to the products’ compliance with current quality and safety standards, particularly with regard to THC content, as well as to the implementation of a traceability system to ensure better control of the supply chain and guarantee the quality of products sold to consumers.
In 2023, CBD consumers are therefore further protected by these regulations in place, regulations that CannaHouse makes a point of respecting. Random checks by the Belgian health authorities have been carried out to ensure that all products sold comply with current legislation. And this with the obvious aim of protecting consumers.
What are the prospects for the future as regards developments in the regulation of CBD flowers in Belgium?
The evolution of CBD flower legislation in Belgium will largely depend on scientific advances and the results of studies carried out on the effects of CBD on health and road safety. Several scenarios are conceivable:
A relaxation of legislation: if studies show that CBD consumption poses no major health or road safety risks, the authorities could relax certain restrictions, such as the online sale of CBD flowers and resins.
Tougher legislation: on the other hand, if studies reveal negative effects on health or road safety, the authorities could step up controls and impose further restrictions on producers and distributors.
The status quo: if studies fail to provide a clear answer on the effects of CBD, legislation could remain unchanged, and current restrictions remain in force.
It’s a safe bet that we’re heading for a relaxation of CBD legislation, but unfortunately there’s nothing to say for sure. While studies currently show that THC content of 0.2% (or even higher) is too low to cause any undesirable effects, these studies are relatively recent and in the scientific field, even if certain findings may turn out to be established facts in the immediate future and already allow conclusions to be drawn, It’s important to have long-term study results on CBD consumption, which is why the effects of CBD flowers (and other CBD-based products for that matter) have been the subject of numerous studies in recent years. Unfortunately, very few studies have been based on long-term results (meaning ten years or more). It is these latest results, together with a possible analysis of case law, which will influence the new regulations to be implemented in Belgium over the coming years.
From the testimonials, it appears that many traditional cannabis users, tired of the highly undesirable effects of THC, are turning to CBD flowers in order to combat their addiction more easily, as CBD flowers have the advantage of being non-addictive and offer a more than relevant alternative to traditional cannabis. Non-users of traditional cannabis, on the other hand, tend to turn to other types of products to enjoy the effects of CBD, such as CBD e-liquids or the famous CBD oils.
In conclusion, the regulations surrounding CBD flowers in Belgium in 2023 testify to the authorities’ efforts to strike a balance between protecting public health ( as well as road safety) and promoting a legal, transparent market. Future prospects depend on scientific advances and the results of studies into the longer-term effects of CBD, but no radical changes are yet expected for 2023. Canna-House will, of course, keep you informed of legislative developments so that you can comply with the law. This debate and the questions surrounding it are on many people’s minds, and are right at the heart of the news! Count on us to keep you up to date.