Status of e-cigarette flavourings in Belgium

The Belgian government is considering restricting the flavors of electronic cigarettes to reduce their appeal, particularly to young people. This measure is causing concern among industry professionals, who fear a negative impact on their business and public health.
Towards a limit on flavours for e-cigarettes in Belgium?
Electronic cigarettes offer a wide range of flavors, from peach and lemon to red fruit and apple. This diversity is one of the factors that attracts vapers, whether they're transitioning from tobacco or simply looking for new taste experiences.
However, this reality could soon change in Belgium, where the authorities are considering restricting or even banning flavors in e-liquids. This initiative is aimed at reducing the appeal of vaping, particularly among young people.
Faced with this potential ban, the Belgian Vape Federation (FEBEVA) has launched a petition denouncing what it considers a "false good idea". According to the federation, such a measure would threaten the thousands of vapers who use e-cigarettes as an alternative to tobacco, and would encourage the black market as well as the consumption of conventional cigarettes.
Flavours: a factor of attraction for young people?
While electronic cigarettes are often seen as an alternative to tobacco for adult smokers, they also appeal to a younger audience, largely thanks to the varied flavors they offer.
A study conducted in 2023 by Indiville, at the request of the Fondation contre le Cancer, reveals that 38% of young people aged 15 to 20 have already tried vape, while 16% still use it regularly. The average age of first use of an e-cigarette is 16 and a half, showing that these products appeal to a teenage audience.
The study highlights a key element: 38% of young people who have tried e-cigarettes say that curiosity about flavors influenced their decision to vape. Fruity or sweet flavors are perceived as more appealing than classic tobacco tastes, reinforcing the appeal of e-cigarettes to this age group. What's more, these flavors can give the impression that vaping is less harmful, which contributes to its adoption among young people.
An obstacle for smokers in transition to quitting?
For many smokers wishing to reduce or stop their tobacco consumption, the electronic cigarette is a popular alternative. However, the ban on flavors in vape could complicate this transition, limiting the choice of flavors and making vaping less attractive for adults trying to give up conventional cigarettes.
According to a study conducted by Indiville, 88% of e-cigarette users over theage of 20 say they use them as a smoking cessation tool. In contrast, among 15-20 year-olds, only 20% see vape as a smoking cessation method, while for the majority, it's more of a recreational practice.
A flavour ban could therefore lead some former smokers to return to traditional tobacco or to seek solutions in unregulated markets, which would represent a failure for both public health and the specialist trade.
Regulations still unclear, but changes imminent
For the time being, no precise date has been announced for the ban on flavoring in electronic cigarettes in Belgium. The government's plan is still under discussion, and the exact details of its implementation have yet to be defined.
However, an initial measure comes into force on April 1: tobacco and vape products can no longer be displayed in stores.. These new regulations aim to reduce the visibility of these products, which could have an impact on sales and the perception of vaping in Belgium.